Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life Without Illegal Immigrants..... Could You Imagine?

What would the country be like if they're no illegal immigrants? How would it effect your life? Would it effect your life? The presence of illegal immigrants impacts our daily existence more than most of us even realize. In this web-quest you will be able to browse the many sources that document the roles of illegal immigrants in the community. You will be surprised to see how life would change if all illegal immigrants were sent back to their native countries.

The Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle is a novel that tells the story of an illegal immigrant couple and a middle-upper class couple living in southern California. It compares their point of views. Candido and America, two illegal immigrants struggle to stay alive as they pursue their dreams. Delany and Kyra, two established and wealthy american citizens, live day to day fazed by trivial issues. When their worlds collide we see their true thoughts of each other. This novel makes for a real and honest description of how citizens view immigrants and how immigrants view citizens.

Follow these instructions then complete the assignment below:

1. Browse through the following sights on my delicious homepage. These resources give insight into the roles illegal immigrants play in our communities and how life would be different if they were sent back to their homes. Check under the beingsaxonmdb tag to find the sources!
2. Go to Anderson Cooper's blog about illegal immigration. Read about the violence in Mexico that drives illegal immigrants to cross the border. Look at the pictures and make note of the emotion seen on the faces of the illegal immigrants and try to think of how they must feel living in such a violent place.
3. Read over the following blog. Read the article titled Hispanic Identity and the Tortilla Curtain. Try to understand the Hispanic Perspective.
4.Go to Questia and search ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN AMERICA, A REFERENCE HANDBOOK . Read the section titled Undocumented Immigration to the United States. Read a few pages and note the statistics.
5. Click on this page and view the quotes from the book. It shows the white upper class point of view of illegal immigrants.
6. Go to the iTunes store and search CHRIS SCHEDLER ON THE TORTILLA CURTAIN. Listen to the podcast about immigration and and how it ties into the book. Think about illegal immigrants and the roles they play in communities.
7.Research the 2004 movie, A Day Without A Mexican. Think about it. Take Note.
8. Read this Time article titled A Day Without Immigrants: Making a Statement. Note the positives of illegal immigration

The articles above have given you both positive as well as negative views of illegal immigration. You have read about the reasons why the immigrants come to America and the ways they stay alive. Now think about what the country would be like if they're were no more immigrants. Make a powerpoint showing both the positive and negatives to having a country with no illegal immigrants. You should include pictures and statistics. Then, write a short blog post detailing your opinions of the subject. Make sure you answer the following questions. Do illegal immigrants play an important role in our communities? Do you think the country would be a better place if there were no illegal immigrants? What would it be like if they're were no illegal immigrants? How would your own life be different if there were no illegal immigrants? Please go into detail with your opinions.


  1. You were able to find and make use of a wide variety of sources. Well done. The topic itself is one that is very appropriate and will lead to some interesting responses. The only issue is that the opening paragraph needs some solid editing. 25/30

  2. I liked your assignment. Here's a link to my blog with the final product:
